We Should Legalize Weed.

America should currently be on its way, slowly but surely to legalizing marijuana in all of its states. America has legalized marijuana in two states now California and Colorado, with a lot of decriminalization acts in bigger cities throughout the states. With the act of legalization in these two states, and the harsh criminal charges being oppressed in selected cities, there may be hope just yet.
The cause for marijuana to be illegal in most of the United States was the “fear of Mexican immigrants”. The fear of immigrants crossing the border to smuggle the drug has caused an in ethical, in factual proved perception of the drug to cloud societies judgement and point of view on the substance and cause the population to react out of fear. Marijuana has been “claimed” to lead to the “‘lust for blood,’ and gave its users ‘superhuman strength.’ Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this ‘killer weed’ to unsuspecting American schoolchildren.” All of which has been factually proven to be false. If anything one can argue the difference between cannabis use with alcohol use by the amount of deaths shared between the two.
The health records from American history ensures that “It’s worth noting that research has shown alcohol to be more dangerous than marijuana- No death from overdose of marijuana has been reported”, so clearly the fear of cannabis use does not stem from the irrational belief that weed grants people superhuman strength, but perhaps it may stem from more of a personal view. The fear of another race entering our country to do “drug” related business, being the source of the illegalization of cannabis seems more fitting. But thankfully time, science, and wonderful cannabis users have proven the positives to the drug. “Today, 29 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized medical marijuana, and 8 states plus D.C. have legalized it for recreational use.” Is the starting point to making the process of legalization a lot easier and has ensured the national government that at the end of the day; the states are going to do what they want. And the states want weed.


  1. This a Interesting Topic, I understand why the causes of marijuana being illegal in most of the United States has to be with the fear of Mexican Immigrants smuggling drugs in to our country, that's why many people see marijuana as a bad thing, that this illegal substance causes many deaths, like you state that alcohol kills more people than marijuana those,"That So True" you seen it on the news, people dying causes of drinking while driving but never of some one dying cause marijuana.

    1. I agree with you Marcus, the system we live in tends to blame outside forces for internal problems. That is why the government is blaming immigrants from Mexico for a problem that is one of our own. I believe that the government will not legalize marijuana because the system is racist. The incarceration rates for African-Americans because of charges for marijuana are through the roof, that is why they will not legalize it. The point you made on immigration and legalization of marijuana are spot on, very well written.


  2. I totally agree with you on how the government tries to blame ''outsiders'' for a problem they created by themselves. Also, I liked how you compared the use of alcohol and marihuana, and how the legal one is the more lethal. And yes, even though marihuana is legal in some states, I think we would have to wait a long time for it being completely legal in all states, since most of these States are still conservative and have the wrong idea about marihuana because of their prejudices.

  3. Very well written Marcus and I totally agree. Americans do put a lot of blame on immigrants bringing in weed into the United States. They use this as an argument as to why marijuana has not been legalized throughout the United States. I think this is quite ironic because I feel as though if weed were to be legalized in the United States, there would be a lot less immigrants trying to smuggle it in. Weed has many benefits to people's health and I believe that legalizing it would not be a bad thing.


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