Critique #2

Joshua Dragosavljevic has established a well-rounded and very good argument on the topic of Americans healthcare policy. I would like to start off by saying before I read this blog I have not had much education and knowledge on the American healthcare policy nor the American healthcare by itself and I found this blog post very educational and very informative.
            The way the argument was established in the intro, to the transition of the body really pulls the reader in with a strong commanding statement, to informative facts. I would say that Joshua has developed a great argument on why “Americans healthcare policy is in shambles and why this needs to be fixed”.  Joshua states that the “United States ranks 27th in the world for healthcare and education” and that is the fac that I actually did not know and find very interesting considering I would expect us to be better but I’m actually not shocked that we aren’t. 
            Joshua‘s blog is very educational and very informative, while at the same time lacks a bit of a back bone. The use of grammar that has been presented to the readers lacks a bit of attention and could be stronger in areas. I feel as if Joshua has great points but doesn’t allow the points to stand on their own and carry their own message.  I maintained focus and was very interested in reading, but I found myself getting distracted by the grammar mishaps and also the placement of the factual evidence; that backs up this argument. This is a great article that he has based his blog post off of, it’s very informative and it has a great message to send to the audience; I just feel if a little bit more attention were devoted to this it could be something that changes someone’s life.


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