
Critique #2

Joshua Dragosavljevic has established a well-rounded and very good argument on the topic of Americans healthcare policy. I would like to start off by saying before I read this blog I have not had much education and knowledge on the American healthcare policy nor the American healthcare by itself and I found this blog post very educational and very informative.             The way the argument was established in the intro, to the transition of the body really pulls the reader in with a strong commanding statement, to informative facts. I would say that Joshua has developed a great argument on why “Americans healthcare policy is in shambles and why this needs to be fixed”.  Joshua states that the “United States ranks 27th in the world for healthcare and education” and that is the fac that I actually did not know and find very interesting considering I would expect us to be better but I’m actually not shocked that we aren’t.              Joshua‘s blog is very educational

Critique #1

Estefani Torres has a pretty good point in their blog “Th e second amendment shouldn’t be unlimited right to own guns”. This blog really spoke in terms of covering every inch of the amendment of the Constitution related to rights on bearing arms as well as the relevancy of what it holds to nowadays.             Torres constructed a well-organized essay on how gun control has literally gotten out of control even with in the past year. Pointing out that “guns are a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, and then comparing it to the “El Paso Walmart massacre as being an example of why these regulations need to be implemented on our gun control”. The point made that it’s not taking away guns that will solve the problem, it’s having more restricted regulations on who has access to firearms is where t

We Should Legalize Weed.

America should currently be on its way, slowly but surely to legalizing marijuana in all of its states. America has legalized marijuana in two states now California and Colorado, with a lot of decriminalization acts in bigger cities throughout the states. With the act of legalization in these two states, and the harsh criminal charges being oppressed in selected cities, there may be hope just yet. The cause for marijuana to be illegal in most of the United States was the “fear of Mexican immigrants”. The fear of immigrants crossing the border to smuggle the drug has caused an in ethical, in factual proved perception of the drug to cloud societies judgement and point of view on the substance and cause the population to react out of fear. Marijuana has been “claimed” to lead to the “‘lust for blood,’ and gave its users ‘superhuman strength.’ Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this ‘killer weed’ to unsuspecting American schoolchildren.” All of which has been factually pro

Russian Controversy

In a blog post from Crooks and Liars , it has been revealed that a Russian spy has been caught allegedly funneling Russian money into the 2016 presidential election, in favor of President Trump’s campaign. While the money was intended to favor President Trump’s campaign it brought problems along with it, due to the fact it was being exchanged through and under the National Rifle Association (NRA). This has caused a lot of problems for the country, our president, but also the NRA. According to the article, “The NRA has several arms. Its largest operation is technically known as a social welfare group or 501(c)(4) organization, granting it exemption from U.S. taxes. Another branch is a traditional charitable organization, making contributions to that entity tax deductible. Under federal tax law, when either of these kinds of nonprofits break laws, they jeopardize their tax exempt status”. The author of the article has an intended audience of what I believe to be Trump and NRA sup

Healthcare Fails

After reading the article “ Health Care’s Biggest Problem Is Getting Worse a nd 2020 Democrats don’t have a plan to fix it. ” I have come to the conclusion to agree with the message the article is trying to convey. The message of the article, seems to be pointed to families who don’t have private insurance companies or who aren’t granted insurance by the government, due to the fact they can’t meet the requirements. The author Anne Kim, has used data and research from 2012 and 2016 to show a comparison between the concentrated hospital markets. Over a 4-year time period the concentration market becomes worse when the fields begin to merge further. Research has found that “ price hikes are especially dramatic—as much as 20 percent—when hospitals in already concentrated markets merge further. Even worse, the ultimate potential casualty of consolidation is often patient wellbeing.” Ki